新闻 2024年3月22日

Legislation lethargy hits UK organisations as volume and intensity of sustainability reporting increases

  • Wave of sustainability stress as almost two in five (38%) sustainability decision makers admit to not being clear about what they need to report on with almost half (46%) now reporting to at least three different 环境、社会和治理 frameworks as confusion about the legislation labyrinth builds
  • Over a quarter (28%) say they are not sure they are equipped to comply if legislation becomes stricter and three fifths (60%) are worried about the impact on both their reputation and company finances if their reporting is found to be insufficient
  • 只有13%的人认为目前的报告方法有效, yet the majority are not in favour of a shift to sector specific reporting frameworks or a move to one single UK and EU-wide standard

来自Mitie的一项新调查, the UK’s leading facilities management and transformation company which helps organisations to decarbonise their built environment, 发现英国的组织正被可持续发展报告的压力压得喘不过气来, with legislation lethargy on the rise as they tackle the labyrinth of new and existing reporting legislation. This comes alongside an increase in the number of 环境、社会和治理 reporting mandates and the expectation of total transparency around net zero targets from policymakers, 英国和欧洲的投资者和客户.

The survey found that more than half (55%) of UK sustainability decision makers think that current sustainability reporting requirements are too complex, 五分之二(38%)的受访者承认,这意味着他们不清楚自己应该报道什么. Almost half (46%) are reporting to three or more different 环境、社会和治理 frameworks and this figure rises to as many as eight frameworks for those in heavily regulated sectors like 专业澳博官方网站, 金融澳博官方网站, 医疗保健, 和技术.

政府 standards like the Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) and Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) were identified as the frameworks most reported to (29% and 24% of respondents respectively). 英国以外建立的新兴标准紧随其后, with almost a fifth (17%) saying they planned to report to both the recently introduced 国际 Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).


Many sustainability leaders expressed concerns around what might happen if an organisation’s reporting were to be deemed insufficient. 五分之三(60%)的决策者担心他们的声誉会受到影响, with one fifth (20%) saying the prospect of facing greenwashing accusations keeps them awake at night. A further three fifths (59%) are also worried about the impact that insufficient reporting might have on their company finances including facing fines, 利润下降和股东潜在损失.


随着压力的增加, 只有13%的受访者表示,他们认为目前的报告方式有效. 然而当被问到, the majority (58%) do not think the solution lies in adopting one international framework for reporting and most were also not in favour of either sector-specific frameworks, 英国标准或英国和欧盟标准只有13%, 分别有15%和11%的人支持.

尽管与报告相关的复杂性, almost two fifths (34%) still acknowledged that compliance with new 环境、社会和治理 regulation has positively influenced their sustainability strategy.


Organisations expect that 环境、社会和治理 regulations will become even stricter in the UK regardless of the outcome of the upcoming General Election and almost half (46%) said regulatory bodies, 包括政府, 利益相关者最有可能在投资者之前仔细审查他们的数据吗, 股东, 客户或潜在客户, 非政府组织, 公众. 许多人已经经历了立法的停滞, over a quarter (28%) said they were not sure they would be equipped to meet deadlines and comply if legislation does become stricter.

Mitie数据科学与能源澳博官方网站主管Catherine Wheatley表示:

“Reporting requirements have intensified in recent years and the legislation labyrinth is here to stay. 对于可持续发展领导者来说,这意味着要努力应对多个报告框架, 更严格的多司法管辖区监管, and the intense scrutiny of stakeholders who expect to see reduction targets and their progress in the public domain.”

“好处是,为了满足严格的报告要求而做的工作, 我们可以获得丰富的可操作的知识,这些知识可以加强可持续发展战略. 不可否认的是, this can be daunting when there are large datasets to analyse but with the emergence of tools that can automatically assimilate, 吸收和分析大量的数据, 和合适的人搭档,问合适的问题, 我们可以扭转立法的惰性. 只要有合适的伙伴, reporting is an opportunity to empower organisations to make better decisions and improve transparency around their sustainability strategy.”

本月早些时候,Mitie推出了新的管理模式 碳报告及减排澳博官方网站,“排放情报”, in partnership with Salesforce to empower organisations to be more confident in their emissions reporting and improve their efficiency, 以及提高其实现净零目标进展的透明度. Mitie’s extensive experience in decarbonising the built environment has informed the features included in the service, 可持续发展决策者对其具体报告挑战的反馈. 作为经验丰富的脱碳合作伙伴, Mitie已经与包括劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)在内的一系列家喻户晓的公司合作, 沃达丰(Vodafone), 和皇家邮政.

The research surveyed 500 sustainability decision makers from UK organisations and was carried out by Opinium between the 9 and 23 February 2024.

